
Mediumoil on canvas
Dimensions16 x 24
Signature"R.A. Blakelock" in red, lower left [possible vestige of arrowhead]
Current OwnerHenry Art Gallery University of Washington
URL of Owner
CityStateSeattle, WA
Datec. 1885-1893
ProvenanceArtist; H. W. Watrous,1893; Horace C. Henry. 1912; Henry Art Gallery, the University of Washington, acquired in the original gift of Horace C. Henry, 9126
PublishedArt Gallery of the University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, no. 6, ill., 1926; The View and the Vision, Roger B. Stein, Henry Art Gallery, Seattle, Washington, page 30, 1968; A Catalogue of the Landscape Paintings in the Henry Gallery Collection Painted by Americans Born Before 1861, Charlotte Stokes, Masters of Art Thesis, University of Washington, pages 34-35, 1972; Ralph Albert Blakelock 1847-1919, Nebraska Art Association, Nebraska, cat. # 58, page 41, ill., page 79, 1975; Henry Art Gallery: Five Decades, Richard Grove, Henry Art Gallery, Seattle Washington, page 55, 1977; Henry Art Gallery, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, page 25, 1986; The Pictorial Tradition, gallery guide, Henry Art Gallery, Seattle, Washington, page 10, 1986
ExhibitedHorace C. Henry's private gallery, Seattle, Washington, 1917-1926; Horace C. Henry Collection, Henry Ary Gallery, Seattle Washington, January 2- February 4, 1868; Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery, Lincoln, NE, January 14-February 9, 1975; New Jersey State Museum, Trenton, New Jersey, May 4-June 7, 1975; "Henry Art Gallery: Five Decades," Seattle, Washington, February 10-March 13, 1977; "American Art:1860-1914," Washington State University Museum of Art, Pullman, Washington, March 1-April 28, 1978; Western Washington University, Bellingham, Washington, July 29-August 29, 1979; "Works from the Permanent Collection," Henry Art Gallery, Seattle Washington, July 22-August 29, 1980; "University Collection '83," Henry Art Gallery, Seattle Washington, June 17-July 17, 1983; "The Pictorial Tradition," Henry Art Gallery, Seattle, Washington, April 2-May 25, 1986; Governor's Mansion Gallery, Olympia, Washington, October 27 1987-November 1, 1988
Subject DescriptionHorizon slightly below midpoint in the canvas. Pool in right foreground surrounded by trees, tall enough to frame full height of the composition left and right. Full moon in right center of sky.
ConditionCanvas has not been relined, some bitumen disintegration, normal crackle particularly heavy in the sky, some tree branches drawn in thin paint and trunks modeled with touches of lighter pigment.
Infra-redClarifies composition and brings out some of the drawing of trees and branches.
Additional Examination Notes